
Place de la Concorde early in the morning

Have you ever thought of visiting central Paris early in the morning when the masses of tourists are still sleeping or having breakfast at their hotels ? This morning we managed to arrive at 7am in Place de la Concorde for an early walk in the French capital.The first signs of Summer were definitely there when we emerged on the street level from the metro station. Yes, 7am was quite early for us but not for many Parisians who were already on the road going to work by car, bike or bus, or in vans on their way to delivering goods to thousands of local stores. Yet the views to the Historical Axis and the Eiffel Tower were amazing. A soft light lit up the square, its ancient obelisk, extravagant lamp posts and the Tuileries’ elegant wrought-iron fences. Morning is actually the best time of the day to shot the square with the Eiffel Tower in the background. Our favourite spot is to stand on one of the two elevated terraces of the Tuileries Garden which offers a great view of the entire square. To shot the Champs-Élysées and the Arc de Triomphe, place yourself under the obelisk facing the wide avenue… if you take attention you will be able to view part of the Grande Arche de la Défense hidding behind the Arc de Triomphe. Another perspective links the Madeleine church to the Palais Bourbon, the seat of the French National Assembly. To avoid backlight it is best to shot the parliament in the morning and to come back in the afternoon to photograph the church.

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Chères clientes, chers clients,

Nous sommes heureux de vous accueillir à l’hôtel Convention Montparnasse. Notre Hôtel respecte les mesures sanitaires des métiers de l’hôtellerie.

La santé et le bien-être de nos clients et de nos équipes sont nos priorités. Soyez assurés que nous avons repensé l’ensemble de nos services et espaces d’après les mesures sanitaires des métiers de l’hôtellerie.

Une procédure stricte est mise en œuvre pour vous accueillir dans les meilleures conditions : respect des gestes barrières et des normes d’hygiène avec un protocole spécifique de nettoyage des chambres et des parties communes, port de masques pour le personnel, mise à disposition de gel hydroalcoolique…

Nos équipes sont entièrement disponible pour répondre à vos interrogations et demandes.

Réservez d’ores et déjà votre séjour au meilleur tarif sur notre site !

Nous avons hâte de vous accueillir de nouveau.

Prenez soin de vous et de vos proches,

L’équipe de l’hôtel Convention Montparnasse

Informations !!!!!

Dear Guest,

We are happy to welcome. Our hotel respects the health measures of the hotel trades.

The health and well-being of our customers and our teams are our priorities. Rest arrured that we have redesigned all of our services ans space based on the health measures of the hospitality industry. We present to you the list of our comnitments, which guarantee the use of our spaces with serenity.

A strict procedure is implemented to welcome you in the best conditions : compliance with barrier gestures and hygiene standards with a specific protocol for cleaning rooms and common areas, masks for staff, provision of gel hydroalcoholic, breakfasts and dinners in room service or doggy bag only ...

Our teams are fully available to answer your questions and requests.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones,

Team Hôtel Convention Montparnasse